Umoja Village Resource Center Open House (12/03/2021)
DECEMBER 3, 2021
Umoja Village held its grand opening/open house for its new resource center located at:
827 Hayne Avenue, SW, Aiken, South Carolina
Speakers included Umoja Village founders Donna Moore Wesby, Donald Wesby, Aiken Mayor Rick Osbon, Aiken City Council members, Unite Us State Network Director for South Carolina Liz Walsh, and Bishop Olen I. Jessie, who performed the prayer of dedication. Umoja Village is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to unify underserved, at-risk, disenfranchised, and marginalized populations to bring about positive and sustainable change by leveraging its own gifts, talents, and resources and by developing strategic partnerships and alliances with those who are concerned with improving the lives of people who have been impacted by the negative effects of systemic inequities, bias, and prejudice in the areas of education, housing, healthcare, finance/banking, employment, legal/justice systems, and entrepreneurship. The Umoja Village Resource Center connects the targeted population with needed services and resources as identified locally, regionally, and nationally. Umoja Village is a newly designated UNITE US Community Champion within Unite-SC, which utilizes a nationwide trademarked digital platform to connect clients to services with an efficient online referral system.
For more details about Umoja Village and make donations visit