July 10, 2022

1. The Housing Authority of the City of Aiken will open the waiting list for its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.  Applications will be accepted online ONLY at on Monday, July 25, 2022, from 8A-5P.  The waiting list will close at 5:01 PM.

2. Congratulations to Velice Cummings, Umoja Village's chair of our Board of Directors.  She is featured as "Sunday Best" in today's Aiken Standard.  Here's the article:

3. REMINDER: Our attendance is requested at an Aiken County Elections Board meeting to be held this Thursday, July 14th, at 5:30 PM, at the Aiken County Government building, Sandlapper Room (first floor).  Our own, Ms. Cynthia Holland, has been the manager of the Voters & Elections Office for many years, where a significant number of years she has met considerable opposition. Her office's handling of the June primary will be discussed.  If you are moved to make a public comment or to just support, you are welcome.

4. Some of my text messages haven't been delivered to each person's phone.  Not sure why.  If you aren't receiving at least one text per week, let me know.  Or, you can view the blog on our UV website, 

Paige Isaac